Over the years, I've built a few pieces of software.

I'm always building something on the side to expand my expertise, create opportunities, and for just plain old enjoyment!

Here are a few of my highlighted projects!


- Tencent Thailand

2020, February

E-sports tournament predictions, schedules and news from Sanook.com and Tencent Thailand.

- A Next.js web app powered by an Express.js RESTful API using a MySQL Database.


- Seekster

2016, January

A one-stop platform for home maintenance services.

- Multiple Web and Mobile apps built with many technologies. Next.js, Swift, Kotlin, Ruby and more.

ITS 100
ITS 100


2015, June

Computer programming lab exercise and quiz distribution system with real-time TA notifications.

- A web application built with Sails.js and Socket.io.

With many more to be added!